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Droxford Junior School

Phonics at DJS


Phonics at Droxford Junior School

At Droxford we follow a Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme (SSP) called Read Write Inc! This will drive the teaching of reading fluency and comprehension for those children in need of support.

Which children will have phonics interventions?

Year 1 and 2 phonics data is reviewed in September when the children join Droxford or when children join during the school year. For any child who did not meet the standard in Years 1 or 2 a phonics assessment is carried out. Children will be grouped accordingly and receive interventions using the Read Write Inc! scheme. Teachers may also wish to send other children for a phonics assessment if they deem this necessary from hearing them read in class. Phonics interventions may continue throughout their time at Droxford although many children will graduate to a follow on scheme or may no longer require phonics interventions at all.

What happens in the phonics interventions?

Children will be taken out of class (by a teaching assistant) to receive the intervention for roughly 15-20minutes a day. The children will work through their speed sounds, tricky words and red words (words that you can’t sound out) before reading the book. They will read the book several times throughout the week to build on their fluency before moving onto comprehension questions. There will also be phonics sound games, spelling practise using familiar sounds and in some cases writing using the Read Write Inc ‘Get writing’ programme. Information from the sessions will be fed back to the class teacher so strategies can be implemented in class.

Which books should my children read at home?

Children will be sent home with a phonics book for them to read to you. They should aim to read this book to you several times in a week to help build on their fluency. You can also help them by hearing their speed sounds and words on the front few pages of the book and asking them the questions in the back. Your child will also bring home a ‘sharing’ book. This is a book for you to read together and enjoy. The purpose of this book is to help aid their enjoyment of reading.


To find out how to support your child by pronouncing the sounds correctly, have a look at the following link:

Please also see the sound mats (including the ditties such ay ‘may I play?’) and a letter formation sheet to help support you at home.