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Droxford Junior School

School meals


Education Catering

School Lunches April 2024 - October 2024 

Jacket Potato / Pasta Picnic Box Menu

Special Diets


We encourage all children to have a healthy snack at breaktime. Children can bring in their own but should not be bringing sweets, crisps or chocolate bars into school.

Children can either bring in a balanced packed lunch or order a school dinner. These are freshly cooked daily on site by Education Catering.

The menu is changed after Easter and October half-term every year and is nut-free.

Please make these as balanced and as healthy as possible.  There are several children with severe nut allergies, so please avoid foods containing nuts.    Please remind your child(ren) not to share food.

Healthy Snacks

Please provide your child with a piece of fruit or a healthy alternative. Children should not bring sweets to school at all. All children have access to drinking fountains during learning breaks.

Eatwell plate

School Dinners

Payments can be made online via your online account. School dinners will be £3.20 per day from 1st September 2024.

If you wish to pay by cheque, please make it payable to ‘HCC’.

Payments sent to school need to be in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name on the front.

There is no obligation to pay online when you register. However, you will be able to view your child’s balance for dinner money, trips etc. whether you make your payment online or directly in school. 

We are encouraging all children to have a healthy snack at break time. If you are providing a healthy snack for your child, please could you consider the above guidance from the School Food Trust.

To see the current menu for school dinners click on the link below.

Link to apply online for free school meals

HC3s Link to the Primary school menu translated into a number of languages