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Droxford Junior School

Droxford Curriculum

Curriculum statement

Our school curriculum is shaped around distinct ‘curriculum drivers’ that provide meaningful contexts to our children who learn in the South Downs National Park.  The school's Long Term Curriculum plans have close links to the environments close to the school.  We design the learning with the school at the centre of curriculum design.

Consider a rock falling into a pool; the entry point being the school and it's immediately locality; as the ripples spread wider so does the children's learning experiences - firstly the village, river and surrounding fields then regionally within Hampshire and the coastline and ports.  Eventually experiences widen nationally and internationally.  This contextual curriculum design aims to motivate and inspire in a meaningful way.

We then develop and integrate the expectations of the National Curriculum programmes of study, forming the ‘Droxford’ curriculum for learning.


This Droxford Curriculum for Learning is clearly mapped out on a two-year cycle, subject by subject – with the progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary we need our children to experience, use, know and understand, threaded through all learning experiences. 

We endeavour to enrich our children’s experiences in all aspects of the curriculum.  The learning environment is constantly being developed to broaden the children’s positive experiences by utilising visitors; artists; musicians; author visits, bookshops, theatre groups; community links; presentations and workshops.  The children take part in four residentials (See residentials tab) and many school trips.  They have been an integral part of re-designing the school grounds for learning and play (see 'Outdoor Learning and Play' tab).

Our children are engaged, happy and safe. This platform enables them to respond to the challenges of a 21st century education and life-long challenges. They are taught to reflect and develop the character traits we call ‘Skills for Learning’ – Tenacity, Creativity, Curiosity and Collaboration. Coupled with our Values and School Aims, we believe every child can be equipped with the knowledge and skills navigate life successfully.

They are encouraged to respond to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural expectations beyond the National Curriculum through tenacity, determination, positive mindsets and reflection. This is clearly planned in a well-developed Personal Development Learning (PDL) curriculum.  They debate the issues of the past, present and future with informed maturity and respect and understand the need for tolerance, stewardship, values and understanding.

We are very proud of them; of all they do; the progress they make in all progress' facets and know they leave us more than ready for the next stage of their lives with parents and carers brimming with pride (whilst shedding tears) at the leavers service in the church as the Year 6 leave us.

Curriculum Newsletters and Jigsaws- Years 3/4 & Years 5/6

Each term we share with parents the Droxford Curriculum coverage, subject by subject, that their children will be expected learning and know.  A newsletter with added detail, including enrichment opportunities and key dates is shared at the same time as a double-sided communication.  The latest versions of these can be viewed below for your reference.  It is useful to know what is being covered as you may wish to support the learning in some way and also we know that getting a clear picture of learning from our children can be limited!

Year 3 / 4 Newsletters

Year 3 & 4 Newsletter Summer 2024

Year 3 & 4 Newsletter Spring 2024 

Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2023

Year 5 / 6 Newsletters

Year 5 & 6 Newsletter Autumn 2024

 Year 5 & 6 Newsletter Summer 2024

Year 5 & 6 Newsletter Spring 2024

Year 3 / 4 Jigsaws

Year 5 / 6 Jigsaws

Curriculum Overviews & Subject specific Intent Statements

Our Long Term Curriculum Overviews can be viewed by term - Autumn / Spring / Summer below.

Our subject specific intent statements can be viewed below. These statements share the vision and intention of learning and the coverage within each subject in our Droxford Curriculum.