A typical school day
A typical school day at Droxford Junior School
Breakfast Club starts at 7:30 and runs until 8:40 – children eat breakfast, play games and watch films until they go on to the playground or join classmates for their early morning activity.
For the rest of the children the school gate is unlocked at 8:40 where the children are let in to either play on the playground or go straight into their classrooms to begin their EMA (Early Morning Activity) task. Each half-term this alternates between Years 3/4 and Years 5/6.
School children are starting their day at 8:55 and leave class at 3;30 (this equates to 32hrs 55mins per week)
8:55 – 9:15: At 8:55, the whistle goes and all the children are then in their classes to complete their EMA task. These tasks vary from day to day and focus on recapping reading, grammar and maths skills taught in previous lessons.
9:15 – 10:15: For the first lesson of the day, we have Maths. The children are split across three classes to ensure that the curriculum can be best taught across Year 3 and 4. We have one Year 3 class, one Year 3/4 class and one Year 4 class.
10:15 – 10:30: Break
10:30 – 12:00: After break, we spend around 20 minutes learning spelling strategies and practising our weekly spellings. Then, we move onto English. Our English lessons focus on studying a range of enriching texts and using these to produce a range of reading and writing based tasks.
12:00 – 12:55: Lunch
13:00 – 3:00: In the afternoons, we focus on the foundation subjects. These include Science, History, Geography, DT, Art, Computing, PE, RE, Music, PDL and French. It varies day to day which subjects we do! Each class has their own timetable and send home termly newsletters to parents to let them know what their child will be taught.
3:00 – 3:20: Assembly led by Mr Dampier (Headteacher) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, various members of staff (Mondays and Fridays) and Father Tony from the local church on Thursdays. On the days we don’t have assembly in the hall, we have an assembly / reflection time linked to our Values / Skills for Learning and our PDL curriculum (which includes British Values). We also give the children the opportunity for 'show and tell' in our classrooms.
3:20: Tidy up and pack to go home or get organised for attending clubs.
3:30: End of school day.
3:30 – 4:30: After school clubs
We also try and include the ‘Daily Mile’ into our school days!